• knot   m/s
Rounding Mode:

The knot, a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, has its origins in the age of sail. Mariners used a device known as the “common log” to measure a ship’s speed. This involved a wooden log attached to a rope with knots tied at uniform intervals. By counting the knots that passed through a sailor’s hands over a set period, they could determine the ship’s speed. Today, knots remain an essential measure in aviation and maritime contexts, underscoring how deeply it is embedded in navigation traditions.

Interestingly, the nautical mile, corresponding to one minute of latitude, is roughly 1.1508 miles. This makes the knot not only a unique unit for speed but also a reminder of the Earth’s curvature and ancient navigation skills.

Did you know?

Metres per second (m/s) may seem inconspicuous, but it plays a critical role in understanding speed and velocity in scientific contexts. The unit underpins numerous fundamental concepts in physics and engineering, such as calculating the speed of sound at approximately 343 m/s in air at room temperature. This speed metric is also central to space exploration, where spacecraft velocity is often measured in meters per second to ensure precision in navigation and successful missions.

Beyond Earth, Jupiter’s moon, Io, erupts volcanic plumes that reach speeds of over 1,000 m/s, showcasing this unit’s application in celestial phenomena. Transitioning to daily life, elite athletes can clock speeds around 10 m/s during sprints, a testament to human capability. By providing a consistent metric, meters per second serves as a universal bridge across varied disciplines and contexts.

> Knots to Metres per second Conversion Table

Knots Metres per second
0 knot 0 m/s
1 knot 0.514444 m/s
2 knot 1.02889 m/s
3 knot 1.54333 m/s
4 knot 2.05778 m/s
5 knot 2.57222 m/s
6 knot 3.08667 m/s
7 knot 3.60111 m/s
8 knot 4.11555 m/s
9 knot 4.63 m/s
10 knot 5.14444 m/s
11 knot 5.65889 m/s
12 knot 6.17333 m/s
13 knot 6.68778 m/s
14 knot 7.20222 m/s
15 knot 7.71666 m/s
16 knot 8.23111 m/s
17 knot 8.74555 m/s
18 knot 9.26 m/s
19 knot 9.77444 m/s
20 knot 10.28888 m/s
21 knot 10.80333 m/s
22 knot 11.31777 m/s
23 knot 11.83222 m/s
24 knot 12.34666 m/s
25 knot 12.86111 m/s
26 knot 13.37555 m/s
27 knot 13.89 m/s
28 knot 14.40444 m/s
29 knot 14.91888 m/s
30 knot 15.43333 m/s
31 knot 15.94777 m/s
32 knot 16.46222 m/s
33 knot 16.97666 m/s
34 knot 17.4911 m/s
35 knot 18.00555 m/s
36 knot 18.52 m/s
37 knot 19.03444 m/s
38 knot 19.54888 m/s
39 knot 20.06333 m/s
40 knot 20.57777 m/s
41 knot 21.09221 m/s
42 knot 21.60666 m/s
43 knot 22.1211 m/s
44 knot 22.63555 m/s
45 knot 23.15 m/s
46 knot 23.66444 m/s
47 knot 24.17888 m/s
48 knot 24.69332 m/s
49 knot 25.20777 m/s
50 knot 25.72221 m/s
51 knot 26.23666 m/s
52 knot 26.7511 m/s
53 knot 27.26554 m/s
54 knot 27.77999 m/s
55 knot 28.29443 m/s
56 knot 28.80888 m/s
57 knot 29.32332 m/s
58 knot 29.83777 m/s
59 knot 30.35221 m/s
60 knot 30.86665 m/s
61 knot 31.3811 m/s
62 knot 31.89554 m/s
63 knot 32.40999 m/s
64 knot 32.92443 m/s
65 knot 33.43888 m/s
66 knot 33.95332 m/s
67 knot 34.46776 m/s
68 knot 34.98221 m/s
69 knot 35.49665 m/s
70 knot 36.0111 m/s
71 knot 36.52554 m/s
72 knot 37.03999 m/s
73 knot 37.55443 m/s
74 knot 38.06887 m/s
75 knot 38.58332 m/s
76 knot 39.09776 m/s
77 knot 39.61221 m/s
78 knot 40.12665 m/s
79 knot 40.6411 m/s
80 knot 41.15554 m/s
81 knot 41.66998 m/s
82 knot 42.18443 m/s
83 knot 42.69887 m/s
84 knot 43.21332 m/s
85 knot 43.72776 m/s
86 knot 44.2422 m/s
87 knot 44.75665 m/s
88 knot 45.27109 m/s
89 knot 45.78554 m/s
90 knot 46.3 m/s
91 knot 46.81443 m/s
92 knot 47.32887 m/s
93 knot 47.84331 m/s
94 knot 48.35776 m/s
95 knot 48.8722 m/s
96 knot 49.38665 m/s
97 knot 49.90109 m/s
98 knot 50.41554 m/s
99 knot 50.92998 m/s
100 knot 51.44442 m/s