• arcmin
Rounding Mode:

Did you know?

The arcminute, a unit of angular measurement, is an intriguing relic from astronomy and navigation. One arcminute equals 1/60th of a degree, and there are 60 arcminutes in a degree. To grasp its precision, consider that the human eye can typically perceive an angular resolution of about one arcminute, which is roughly the apparent size of a dime viewed from 75 feet away. This unit is essential in celestial mapping; for instance, the star Sirius has an apparent diameter of about six arcseconds, a subdivision of the arcminute, spotlighting just how detailed our measurement tools need to be.

Interestingly, the arcminute laid the groundwork for innovations like lunar distance in celestial navigation. Sailors in the 18th century used this unit to calculate longitudes, revolutionizing global exploration. Its precision helped navigate the vast oceans, turning the arcminute into a metric of discovery and adventure, not just measurement.